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What is coaching   anyway ?


The ICF (International Coaching Federation) defines coaching as “partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential.”

This process of potential development goes through a few steps : raising awareness, raising consciousness, goal-setting, determining priorities, building an achievement plan and putting the plan into action.

The ultimate coaching goals are to help people reach their fullest potential, living the best life possible, increasing their performance and preparing them to overcome future hindrances in autonomy.

There are some common doubts about coaching and other service practices:


  • The difference between Coaching and Therapy

According to the ICF, ‘’Coaching focuses on visioning, success, the present and moving toward the future. Therapy emphasizes psychopathology, emotions and the past to understand the present, and it works more with developing skills for managing emotions or past issues than does coaching.’’

In general terms, in therapy traumas or blockages from the patient’s past that are impacting their present moment are healed. In coaching the focus is on the client’s present moment with the aim of achieving goal(s) in the future.

  • The difference between Coaching and Mentoring

Mentors serve as role models. They use their personal experiences, know-how and networking to help the client’s goal achievement. Coaches master the coaching process, which he/she will use to help the client find out their own ways to achieve their goals.

  • The difference between Coaching and Consulting

Consultants bring their solutions or expert advice to help clients attain goals. Coaches support the client to procure their own best solution to reach his / her goals in a discovery process.

Is   there proof that Coaching Works ?  


Yes! The ICF Global Coaching Client Study - conducted independently by PricewaterhouseCoopers, shows most clients reported: improved work performance, better business management, more efficient time management, increased team effectiveness, more growth and opportunities. The same study found that coaching clients noted greater self-confidence, enhanced relationships, more effective communications skills, better work-and-life balance and an improvement in wellness.

    What  is the  ICF   ( International Coaching Federation )? 

 Why  do I mentioned it so many times ?   


ICF is the world’s largest organization of professionally trained coaches and the leading voice for the global coaching community, of which I am proud to be part. We are 50,000 plus members, located in more than 150 countries and territories around the world.

Founded in 1995, the organization works to diffuse and clarify the professional coaching and also to contribute and uphold the profession integrity.

The International Coaching Federation is the largest worldwide coaching certifying body. ICF credentials endorse the extensive education, training hours and practice requirements to meet the international standards of coaching. In addition to earning the credentials the federation also requires the coaches to renew them every three years, in order to promote the professionals continuing education as well as the maintenance of the high coaching standards.

Ethical coaching is the top ICF priority, the organization provides appropriate guidelines, accountability and standards of conduct for all members and credential-holders.

In summary, the International Coaching Federation helps maintain the standard of excellence in Coaching around the world.

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" Extraordinary people are ordinary people

 making extraordinary decisions." 

- Sharon Pearson

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